How to grow strawberries

This is the ugliest little beautiful strawberry in the world.  (Sorry for the crappy picture, it was about the size of a nickel and my camera wouldn’t focus, regardless of how many pics I took…)


It’s been 3 years in coming, and there are a LOT more behind it.

Three years ago, I ordered a whole bunch of bare roots of full strawberry plants from a grower/seed company.  I planted them in the ground and left ’em alone that year.   And waited.   While we got stalks and leaves, we had no flowers.  But hey, they were pretty!  And they took up the space so that the dreaded and evil snow on the mountain couldn’t grow there.

Last year, we waited some more.  We had flowers and a few berries, but we went away during berry season and the coneys ate them all.  Sigh.  To come home from vacation to chewed up berries.  Alas, the tragedy….

This year, we’ve got LOTS of berries.  And a new fence to keep the coneys out!  I expect to get fully two whole servings of strawberry short cake for the whole family, AND a bunch of runners to transplant elsewhere.  (also to take the place of the horrible and terrible snow on the mountain…)  I started this process last year and have a few plants that took. In particular, I want them to populate the understory of the blackberry patch.


We also had alpine strawberry volunteers.  They’re prolific and have taken up a lot of a bed, which is great, because I’d like them to be the understory for that bed!

SDC12453 Don’t they kinda look like a mountain?  They are actually taller in the middle!  See the bits of red?

They’re, ripe NOW! 🙂 SDC12452

Edited to add:  I see a lot of you are looking at when to transplant the strawberries.  I move them when the following things happen:  The runners appear!  The runners grow roots.  BEFORE the roots dig into the dirt.  You’ve usually got about a month’s worth of window.  For my climate, this is August-September.

About catfeet1

Mom, canner, reader, sci-fi geek, she who loves car seats
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3 Responses to How to grow strawberries

  1. weight loss says:

    Interesting posts you post on your blog, i have shared this article on my fb

  2. Na Na says:

    Your berry patches look great. I wish mine did. My strawberry patch is in it’s second year. I bought a single plant of what they called ever bearing. It did spread into about a dozen or so off shoots last year and is spreading again this year. It is supposed to have berries from May through October but I haven’t seen more than a handful of berries so far. They are very small berries but very sweet.

    • catfeet1 says:

      It really did take three years to get to this point. I bet that your berry patch spreads by 2-3 times in size this year and next year you’ve got a whole bunch. I’ve got some Everbearing in my bunch, and another variety called Sparkle.

Tell me what you think!